Thursday 18 April 2013

Review No. 22 Super Scribblenauts - DS (12+)

Strong Points:
Ability to add adjectives
Lots of levels
Small difficulty spikes
Lots of words
Trying to find the most creative way to do something is fun

Weak Points:
Graphics aren't brilliant
Quite repetitive
Annoying fights
Level maker is capped
Adjective levels are quite boring

In-depth Review:

Release Dates:
North America: October 12, 2010
Europe: October 29, 2010
Australia: October 27, 2010
Japan: October 13, 2011

D- Pad: move/jump
Y: move
A: move
B: jump
X: jump
Stylus: camera
Stylus: move
D-Pad: camera
B: camera
X: camera

This game is a huge improvement to Scribblenauts with updated controls, updated dictionary and with the ability to add adjectives this game has turned out well. It is brilliant being able to make a 'giant, dead pear' or a 'golden, little god' and will keep you entertained for ages. The adjectives make the game the ultimate creative tool and the creativity this game gives you is its main selling point.

Sadly, even with the amount of levels this game is short. This is because the levels normally take to minutes and the scrap box game is boring. But when a hard level comes around it is really, really difficult. Some levels will make you check on the internet for how to do it and then make you kick yourself because you 'knew' the answer. Also the fighting is boring and repetitive with the adjective levels becoming repetitive and boring quickly. The game does save itself however as it is full of charm and is really addictive.

Conclusion: this game is really good but has a few kinks which would need to be sorted out to make it a really good game. Can't wait for the sequel.

Rating: 78%

Thanks for reading, Satamer.

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