Completed Games

This page is dedicated to games that have been completed to the minimum (e.g the story mode/through to the credits etc) and have been completed 100% (including all achievements for systems that have them). Sometimes the game will tell you if it has been 100% and sometimes we will have to judge to see if it is completed (it is generally fully completed when there is literally nothing that can be completed left). Please email a picture or video to or a list of criteria that you have completed and then we will judge as to which section of the leaderboard it should go on. Please also send a name that you would like to be referred to (but no obscenities, please). Thank you and I hope to see these two sections fill up with many games played by many people.

Press the Headings to Access the Relevant Section:

Completed Games:
Harry Penwell:


Euan Mitchell:

Martin Collins:

Thomas Stacey:

100% Games:
Harry Penwell:


Euan Mitchell:

Martin Collins:

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